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Have you seen the movies Minority Report, Iron Man, and The Gamer? If yes, what do you think is the common technology that could be seen in the three movies?

Yes, the futuristic technology they’ve used on the three movies was the advanced computers that allowed people to do tasks using hand gestures.

Well, I think it’s not fiction anymore as I’ve found a video that makes this technology almost a reality.

Watch the video below and be amazed:


I’ve been making blogs since 2006 but none survive long enough to be on the Google search index. Every blog I made before had just two or more posts and then it’s left to die and wither in the dark.

For 2010, I would like to try blogging again, hoping that this time around it won’t just be another hit-and-run. I will do my best to focus in updating this blog and posting as much as possible.

Well, here’s to me back at blogging and hoping for the best.